Saturday, November 21, 2009

Back at it... more

The last post posted before I was fin

ished.. oops...

I suppose that I am just rambling anyway.. Just thinking... wondering..

My mind thinks of a song that Scott wrote right before he died. "In the Darkness". He taled about how he prayed and thought about how it would be inthe darkness of his room at night. I so relate.

So many things I want and need to do. And so many times I wonder why? Does it matter?

I am so lonley. Even in a group I am lonley. It is so hard to explain. Everyone tells me to call someone else. To talk to people. Everyone says the same thing.. "you sound good". They don't know what to say.. I know...
So I just don't talk........

I just want everyone to know how much they mean to me,, how much I will miss them. I know where Im going will be so much better but the thought of leaving those I love is hard. I know everyone has a life and they can't (nor do I want them to) put a hold on things for me.. but sometimes............ I just want to scream hellooooooooooo we MIGHT NOT have tomorrow........PLEASE talk to me!!

Normal but not normal thats how I want it. So hard to explain.......... I love you all If I foget to do or say something I should have.. Please forgive me.......

Back at it

Its been a long time since I posted anything. I was very sick for awhile and then I had difficulty logging in.

Siince my last posting I have been in and out of the hospital, had radiation and begun chemo.
The tumor became so enlarged that it ruptured. I bled out so badly the house looked like a murder had taken place..:( . The first time the ambulance took me to the hospital and they packed me and sent me home. Then I got up to go to the bathroom and it happened again. This time I collapsed just as Bill got to me. This time I spent 5 days in the hospital and received blood transfusions and started radiation.
Now I am taking chemo every 3 weeks. The doctors are saying there is no more they can do. They are just hoping the chemo will keep the bleeding under control. So far it has been minimal as long as I don't try to do anything. It is sooooooooooo frustrating. I can't keep house, go shopping or anything! ARRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I take my next treatment on Monday. THey give me nausia meds that last about 24 hours. Then I puke for a week. Then the second week it's on and off... and my legs ache.........:(... then just as I am starting to feel half way normal, it's time to start all over again. I am not sure how long I will continue.. just depends on the side effects i guess. Its so frustrating not t be able to do anything for the holidays. I baked a ham and a couple pies this weekend cause I know I will be out of it for Thanksgiving. I feel bad for Bill but he doesn't eat much anyway.
I went to the mall today and had Livia and Jyllaynes Christmas picture made. It was fin. Livy smiles all the time so it was easy as can be. I sat in my wheel chair quite awhile so my back and side are hurting tonight. Oh well.
Bill had E squad today. Had to be at work at 4 am and didn't get home til 7 p.m. Needless to say, he came in and went right to bed. He is working at Wishard doing transports for the hospital so hes closer to home if I need him now.
The days just seem to go by. I don't acomplish much of anything. Every night I think .. well one more day. I wonder ... how many more will I have? What should I be doing? I have been sorting my things. The more I do now, the less the kids will have to