Friday, April 24, 2009

Busy day

Today was grandparents day at school. How fun! It it so fun to watch the excitement on the kids faces when they see their gandparents arrive. :). Some of them went to church together and then they came back for snacks and a visit. I pray that some day I am able to go to Livi's school for a day like this!! Until then , one day at a time. It is a beautiful spring day. 78 degrees. Whoo hoo! I am cold so much these days. Its soooooooo nice to be warm!

I am going through some pictures I tool this morning and just resting a bit.

Bill will be home tonight and we will have the weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a perfectly wonderful day! Nothing in this world can cheer me up like children. I'm so happy you had a good day and I'm praying the day will come when you can visit Livia for Grandparent's Day too!

    Much love and many hugs............

