Monday, April 20, 2009

My children

As you can see from my photo my precious little Livia. She is 3 months old today.She was born on my 50th Birthday.
What a present! My daughter Ali, was born on my mothers birthday! It's a family tradition. haha.

My children have been the greatest gift the Lord has ever given. Through thick and thin we have stuck together. I was a young mother and grew up with my kids. I made lots of mistakes but I always, always loved my kids. I hope they know that!

My oldest son Scott, went home to be with the Lord on May 19, 2006. He was only 29 years old. In his short life, he acomplished more than most of us do in a long lifetime. He was an awesome man! He was a genelogist. He knew how very important family is. He knew the importance of doing things right the first time.

My son Joshua.. ny rock ... More like me than he would like to admit..
His love of the Lord and strong faith are such an inspiration. He is so smart. Anytime I have a question about anything, I ask Josh. He is a hard working man with so much integrity.

My daughter.. my little girl.. she would not like me saying that.. she is a grown woman.
A hard working woman. She is such a good mother. I am so very prous of her!

1 comment:

  1. I am so thankful you have Joshua and Ali to lean on for support during this time. Not to mention Bill! Livia is adorable!!! Wow! Three months old already. She's growing fast!

    Many hugs.......

