Monday, April 27, 2009

Another Day

Well it's almost 5 a.m. Bill just left for work. I will get ready for school shortly. Each day is getting harder. Just trying to control the pain. I have to get through 4 more weeks of school.
Just standing on my feet is painul. Driving is worse.
But, praise God I am alive another day!!!

Ali came yesterday and she and Livi spent the day w/ me. Yea!!
Livi is growing my leaps and bounds. Se is holding her head up and looking around. She is watching the dogs and giggling. She hears my voice and responds.

She really responds when she hears her mommy's!

She looks like Ali when she was a baby with the dark hair. Brings back so many memories. Where does the time go? It makes me want to scream at the world.........Slow Down! Take care to love and appreciate one another! But who would listen? Everyone has an agenda. So much to do.
Like it will matter in the long run.......

Making memories.. loving the ones we are with... thats whats important.
Everyone is always searching for something.. someone better........

Anyway.. I need to get showered and get at it... The weather is beautiful and God is good.. Amen!


  1. My heart aches to know you are suffering so much. I remember so well those days of watching Terry suffer because he would not give up and leave me.

    You are so right, nothing here is more important than making memories with those you love and taking the time to appreciate every single second of every day you're given.

    My heart and my prayers are with you, my sweet friend. Could I take your pain as my own, I gladly would do so.

    Many hugs...........


  2. I love you Di! We all have our own cross to bear. Someday the rewards will be worth it all!
