Friday, June 5, 2009

One day at a Time..

My little angel. Growing so fast! Almost 5 months old now.

I have been taking the chemo drug for 5 days now. No real adverse effects yet except that I can't sleep and have a tremendious headache.
Praise God, it could be so much worse! They say the more I take the more if will effect me though.

I am trying to work on things for school for the upcoming year. Both to keep my mind busy and focused on the future and to stay in denial about what "might be".

Look at this little one... I have to be here.. oh Lord.. I have to know her.. and she has to know how much I love her!

It is obvious how much my friends are praying. My legs ache ... and I know they are praying because Praise God, it stops.. enough for me to be able to function. I am usually only able to do one real thing a day but alleluia .. I do it.

Bill got his moms wheel chair and put in in the truck of my car. Now with a little assistance, I can go to the store or where I need to go. He will be going out of state (army stuff again) for a few weeks so thankfully I will have that.

Onward.. and forward.. one day at a time sweet Jesus. I remember my grandma singing that song .. oh how true it is. I wish that everyone realized how precious the days are.

The times we don't remember to call or visit. The times we don't remmeber to say goodnight or kiss goodbye.. the times we have a chance and don't... the moments we only live once....

1 comment:

  1. I just wanted you to know that I'm ever praying for you, my dear friend! Yes, we take too much for granted. It's strange how being so sick can cause you to feel so alive. That's what Terry said to me once. As I reflect back over his last months, I realize just how true that is. I am praying you have many, many years to get to know Olivia and that she will always know just how much you sacrificed and the pain you endured to get to know her. Keep walking Penny, just put one foot ahead of the other and don't look back. Your future lies ahead and there's no need to worry over it. Jesus has it in His very capable hands. I love you!

    Many hugs..........

